Ponciano Dental, Your Midtown Toronto Dentist, Will Take Care Of All Your Dental Emergencies

Ponciano Dental welcomes dental emergencies. Our flexible office hours make it easy for us to accommodate you at your own convenience when you need our help.
If you happen to have an urgent dental emergency, please contact us right away. Remember it is always easier to save a tooth as soon as the mishap occurs. Don’t take your time before contacting us before it’s too late and alternative treatments will have to be considered .
Book Your Dental Appointment Today!
Book your next dental cleaning at Ponciano Dental Clinic
by filling out our online form.

2179 Yonge St. Suite 205
Toronto, Ontario M4S 2A9[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Phone” list_icon=”Defaults-phone” title_font_size=”desktop:20px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:16px;”](416) 486-4395[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Email” list_icon=”Defaults-envelope-o” title_font_size=”desktop:20px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:16px;”][email protected][/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Opening Hours” list_icon=”Defaults-clock-o” title_font_size=”desktop:20px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:16px;”]Tuesday – Saturday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM
Monday, Sunday: Closed[/info_list_item][/info_list]